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Y Tuesday, July 24, 2007

sorry guys, not i dont wanna update. it's because i m busy wif assignment, reports, tutorials, presentation and a lot more.. really dont have the time to blog at the moment.. the main point is not 100% busy but only 20%.. 80% it's because i m lazy :) hehehe so lazy to type.. everytime think of updating then end up playing games.. yesterday just went to a car accesories that my friend SIM CHENG TAK introduce.. went there to change my woofer cause the woofer i bought from there 2 weeks ago spoilt.. and it last only for 2 weeks and maybe less than that. haha.. guess this one will last longer.. need me to pay extra RM90 for that particular woofer that i changed.. the owner of the shop told me that the one i m using now is better so i hope it wont spoilt so fast.. and guess wad? it's the 11th woofer i bought.. fuck.. people that know me better knows why.. even a soundstream woofer only last for 1 week++.. lets talk about other stuff cause the more i talk about woofer the more angry i will get.. oppss... my gf msged me and need to pick her up now.. so i guess i'll continue again soon... wont dissapoint u all again.. hahaz :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007