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Y Wednesday, March 07, 2007

that's me during chinese new year..

the lion licking every of our car..

the game..

money earn in just a few hours time..

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


today i bought a new keyboard at saberkas 3E.. it cost me RM48.. this keyboard is so fucking soft and easy to type.. so HIGH when i touch it.. hahaz.. guess it will help me improve my typing skill.. ;) it has usb port, earphone and microphone too.. cool yea.. so cheap summore.. 1st time see terus fall in love with it.. today so soi lor, my car aircond spoilt.. early morning go repair and ask my friend to pick up to college.. class start at 10a.m and i reach at 10.40a.m.. when the lecturer saw me, she was like 'wad the fuck, everyday come to my class late'.. hahaz.. when i walk into the class, she purposely say loud loud 'GOOD MORNING MALCOM'.. wtf.. like that still nevermind.. i sit down not yet 5 minutes already break.. she go tell all the lecturers that i improve alot this semester cause i nvr sleep in class again.. muahahaha... so proud.. but then i nvr be puntual in her class.. ahaha.. nvr know why she so sayang me.. i cute gua.. :) after class i go take my car, and u know what? that stupid aircond repair need RM190.. doesn't worth at all.. engine spoilt, change engine, after change engine aircond spoilt... after repair the aircond dunno what will going to spoilt soon.. cheap car really is cheap car.. make sure u ppl dont buy kancil ar, or else u will regret like i do.. after i take my car i straight go look for a pro to tune my car.. now it's fucking powerful.. hahaz.. meet me up at bako this friday yea.. pro is really pro ar. u ppl can look for him at hui sing lrg 4 if u wanna tune your car.. after tune my car i go home sleep.. after that, then, later,when, bla bla bla..... till now i m so bored till i cannot sleep.. lazy wanna type also.. that's all la... see wad will happen tomorrow then tell u ppl kays? (that's all for today.. class dismiss)

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Y Monday, March 05, 2007

erm... hmmm... i wonder wad should i write... my keyboard not really in a good condition at the moment... it's hard for me to type.. will write a long long story for u guys to read after i replace a new one..

Monday, March 05, 2007